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SafeRoads Impaired Driving Hearing in Alberta

What is a SafeRoads Hearing in Alberta?

In Alberta, the SafeRoads Alberta program has transformed how impaired driving (commonly referred to as drunk driving, DWI, DUI, and drinking and driving) related offenses are handled. Introduced in December 2020, the program shifted the focus from the traditional criminal court system to an administrative process. A SafeRoads hearing is central to this system, offering individuals an opportunity to challenge Immediate Roadside Sanctions (IRS) (such as license suspensions) issued under the program.

What is a SafeRoads Hearing?

A SafeRoads hearing is an administrative review process that allows drivers to contest Immediate Roadside Sanctions (IRS) such as license suspensions, vehicle seizures, and fines. It is not a criminal trial; rather, it is a way to determine whether the penalty was issued correctly under Alberta law.

These hearings are overseen by adjudicators, not judges, and are conducted online or via telephone or by written submissions. This streamlined approach ensures quicker resolutions, but it also raises questions about due process and access to justice for those accused.

When is a SafeRoads Hearing Needed?

You may request a SafeRoads hearing if you’ve been issued an Immediate Roadside Sanction (IRS) for:

  • Failing a roadside breathalyzer test (Blood Alcohol Concentration [BAC] over 0.08).
  • Refusing to provide a breath, blood, or drug sample.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (based on physical signs or testing).

For a fulsome overview of the different types Immediate Roadside Sanctions (IRS) that can be issued, please click here.

How Does the Process Work?

If you’ve received an Immediate Roadside Sanction (IRS), here’s how the process unfolds:

  1. Notice of Penalty (NAP): After being stopped by police, you’ll be issued an immediate penalty, where your license is immediately suspended, and your vehicle is impounded.
  2. Apply for a Review: You have 7 days from receiving the Notice of Administrative Penalty (NAP) to apply for a SafeRoads hearing through the online system.
  3. Prepare Your Case: Gather evidence, including documents or witness statements, to support your argument that the penalty was issued improperly.
  4. The Hearing: During the hearing, an adjudicator will review the evidence. The hearing is conducted remotely (either virtually or by written submissions) and the adjudicator will not provide you with a decision at the hearing. The police officer or officers involved in the impaired driving investigation do not testify. Instead, their evidence is in written form (their notes or reports) and could be accompanied by video recordings, audio recordings, or pictures.
  5. Outcome: The adjudicator may uphold, modify, or cancel the Notice of Administrative Penalty (NAP) and the Immediate Roadside Sanctions (IRS) that come with it by providing written reasons to you or your impaired driving lawyer within 30 days of the hearing.

Impaired Driving Lawyers at Davidson Gregory Can Help

If you’ve been issued Immediate Roadside Sanctions (IRS), contacting an experienced Impaired driving lawyer such as the DUI lawyers at Davidson Gregory is crucial. A DUI lawyer can help you:

  • Understand the penalties and their implications.
  • Gather and present evidence effectively.
  • Navigate the SafeRoads hearing process within the tight deadlines.

For tips on how to best help your drinking and driving lawyer represent you, please click here.

Davidson Gregory Understands Impaired Driving and Fights for Your License Back

SafeRoads hearings are an essential part of Alberta’s approach to tackling impaired driving. While they offer a faster and more efficient process, they also come with challenges that require careful navigation. If you’re facing a SafeRoads impaired driving penalty, contact our experienced impaired driving lawyers to represent you. We’ll ensure your rights are protected and help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Our experienced impaired driving lawyers are here to guide you through the process and have represented people from all across Alberta, including Fort McMurray, Edmonton, Calgary, Grande Prairie, Red Deer, St. Albert, and southern Alberta. Contact us today to fight for your license.